Release Updates

Below you can find a list of recent updates and new features in the Industria platform. Most recent updates will appear at the top of the article.

21st May 2024

Asset List Update: Basic users now have the ability to view the asset list on the asset page.

Dashboard visualisations: Legends have now been added to visualisations within dashboards.

24th April 2024

New features & fixes: Users now have the option to automatically close alerts daily.

9th April 2024

Dashboard enhancement: Advanced & Admin users can now experience a new way of adding visualisations, sizing them and saving in Site Dashboards

11th March 2024


Production Data: Users can now manually input their production data and visualise in Data Studio.

(Production Data cannot be compared on the same visualisation with Performance, Availability and Reliability data)

12th February 2024


Enhanced Data Studio: Enhanced Data Studio is now available in the platform for all users.

16th January 2024

Group Energy Monitoring: Users can now understand the energy usage for a specific asset or group of assets, when more than one energy feed for any one single asset is configured.

Energy Consumption Alerts:  Users can now configure alerts for energy consumption. So, they can be automatically notified if an asset has consumed more electricity/water/gas than was expected.

5th December 2023

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Users can now enable MFA for their accounts.

Parameter Updates: Users can now see all the parameters for the asset and the median value over the last hour, which can be used to set thresholds.

21st November 2023

Zoom In/ Out on Data Visualisations: Users can now zoom in/out on data in timeseries visualizations in Data Studio, Asset and Site Dashboards, and in Utilities Dashboards.

Utilities Unit of Measurement: Users can now see the units of measurement for the parameter that they have selected in Utilities while configuring it, making it clearer for adding the correct price per unit.

7th November 2023

Dashboard to Data Studio: Users are able to see the details of a visualisation (dates, parameters) coming from the dashboards in Data Studio, just using option “Open in Data Studio”.

Utilities Dashboard: The 90 days utilities visualizations have been made bigger to be able to see the dates and the usage directly, without hovering over the graph, in the same box.

Export Button in Data Studio: Export button in Data Studio is visible to users only when there is data available to export.

Alerts Consistency: Alerts occurrence count is now available in all alert panels.

10th October 2023

Privacy Notice: RS Industria now shows a privacy notice to all users so that all users have been legally informed of our new privacy policy.

Delete Locations: Users can now delete Locations (including Sub-Locations) when there isn’t any data associated with the Location. 

Root Assets on Homepage: Users can see the root assets only and all alerts (including Sub-Assets) in the homepage.

Visualisations Pop Out View: Users can now click on a visualisation within a Dashboard and have it ‘pop out’ to display full screen.

Dashboard / Data Studio: Users are now able to navigate from a visualisation in site Dashboard directly through to Data Studio with the same parameter and time period selected.

CSV Data Export: Users can now export certain data out of the platform on a regular basis as a CSV file from visualisation in site Dashboard.

12 September 2023

Utilities Info Panel: Users can now understand the usage and therefore cost of utilities for their site with the help of new Utilities Info Panel.

Duplicate Values: The platform now prevents duplicate fixed/static values being stored in transitions.

Alert Occurrence Count: Users can now see the occurrences for a specific Alert to get more information and context about the alert.