How to Create a Basic Rule

Basic rules are an excellent way to efficiently monitor assets and alert you to significant behaviour changes, such as unexpected energy consumption or unusual variations in a machine's speed or acceleration.

This feature is only available for Advanced Users and Administrators

Currently, Basic Rules only track changes in behaviour (delta values) and are limited to counter parameters only. 

Step 1 - Navigate to Rules Page

Navigate to Alerts in the navigation and select “Rules”.  



Step 2 - Create a New Rule

Click on the "New Rule" button and select "Basic Rule"



Step 3 – Enter general information

  • Give your rule a name
  • Select an Asset that you’d like to create the rule for



Step 4 - Transitions

Transition Information

Basic rules are built on the same state machine architecture as Advanced Rules but simplify the process by reducing the number of states. Instead of multiple states, there is only two: Normal and High, with one transition between them (Normal to High). 

Like Advanced Rules, this transition needs to be given a name. 


As basic rules are using delta values, you have to define the frequency of data you are monitoring, this can be hourly or daily. 


For basic rules, you can only monitor a single parameter and determine whether it is greater than or less than a specific value. 


Step 5 - Add Alert

For the transitions you wish to be be notified on, click the "Create Alert" button. Here, you can specify a priority level and notify team members about the state change. You might choose not to set alerts for every transition, opting only for the critical ones.


Specify a priority level for the alert, you can select one of the following:

  • Critical: requires immediate action. 
  • Urgent: indicates a significant problem which requires action quickly. 
  • Needs Attention: highlights a warning that requires action
  • Be Aware: gives an indication that something might be wrong
  • Notification: low priority for events that are informative and require no action 

Name and Description

Provide your alert with a clear name and description to quickly identify its purpose and context.

Initial Confirmation Status

Decide the status of an alert when it is triggered:

  • Suspected: Needs validation, for instance, by visually inspecting the machine.
  • Validated: Confirmed as a cause for concern without doubt.


To avoid setting off an alert immediately when an event has occurred, you can add a buffer period. This is especially useful for data prone to noise and minor variations, like vibration data, to filter out insignificant fluctuations.


Select which team members you'd like to receive the alert. Make sure that you have your Notification Groups setup. 

Daily Closure

When an alert is triggered you will only receive one email or SMS notification, all other occurrences of the alert will be captured in the alert detail.

If you would like to receive multiple alerts you can do this by enabling Daily Closure. This will automatically close the alert at 00:05, creating a new one when triggered again to ensure you receive notifications via the provided email and SMS.



Step 6 - Review and Enable

Once you are happy, set the rule status to enabled in the left panel and click Save.