How to Create a Notification Group

Streamline the process of managing alerts within your organisation by utilising Notification Groups to ensure all members receive necessary notifications.


This feature is only available for Advanced Users and Administrators

Step 1 – Navigate to Notification Group Page 

Navigate to Alerts in the navigation and select “Notification Groups”.  



Step 2 – Create a new group 

  • Click on the "New Notification Group" button.
  • Enter a name for the group that reflects its purpose (e.g. "Maintenance"). 



Step 3 - Add Members to the Group

  • Select users from the list of available users.
  • Add them to the group based on their notification preference (Email or SMS) by checking the appropriate boxes next to their names.  

Please ensure that the email and SMS details are correct in their user profile.



Step 4 - Save the Group: 

Once all desired members are added, click "Save" to create the group.